Earthmoving with Perren & Penny

Perren & Penny Civil and Plumbing Contracting

At Perren & Penny we are committed to excellence and efficiency.

Our underlying philosophy has enabled us to exceed our client’s expectations – even in the most trying of circumstances.
With hundreds of residential, industrial and commercial customers in South East Queensland, Perren & Penny have the qualifications, skills, resources, and customer focus to remove the worry from your project.

Our Services

Perren & Penny Medium-High Density Residential Plumbing

Medium-High Density Residential

Medium to high density residential developments are on the rise across South East Queensland and here at Perren & Penny we work together with developers and builders to plan and complete the job successfully.

Our Professional Plumbing Services

Perren & Penny Civil Construction Services

Civil Construction

We can give you the very best advice and solutions to your civil construction needs. Specialising in bulk earthworks, difficult sites and zero swing zones our skilled team have the know how to get you out of any tight spot.

More about Civil Construction

Perren & Penny Industrial and Commercial solutions

Industrial & Commercial

From build to refurbishment, and everything in between, we have a track record that shows we excel during all stages of your commercial requirements. We guarantee you professional and quality service every time.

How we can help you

Earthmoving with Perren & Penny